Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lowbrow Lager Can Clash — Olympia vs. Rainier

Olympia Beer
ABV 4.7%

Clear honey gold.
Slightly grassy and metallic.
Simple malt flavor.
Hops vs. Malts
(Hoppy, Malty or Balanced):
Finish: Floral, grainy.
Overall (Fantastic, Good, Mediocre or Bad):
Mediocre -

Mountain Fresh Beer
ABV 4.7%

Clear, pale yellow.
Aroma: Grain and sweet corn.
Flavor: Clean, cold, wet and grainy.
Hops vs. Malts (Hoppy, Malty or Balanced): Malty
Finish: Sweet corn.
Overall (Fantastic, Good, Mediocre or Bad): Mediocre -

Blow by Blow
At the request of our friend and temporary landlord, Sarah, we agreed to conduct a can clash with two of her favorite macros. Perhaps this info might come in handy should you find yourself in the unenviable position of having to choose between these two mass produced lagers.

I assumed that these beers would be almost identical, but that was not the case. The Rainier had the typical pale yellow color you find in a lot of macro beers, but the Olympia was significantly darker. The Olympia also had more going on in the aroma, offering up some grassy, metallic notes while the Rainier continued to follow the macro script with that standard grain and corn scent.

The flavor and finish confirmed the verdict as the Olympia was more vibrant and refreshing compared to the dull, sweet corn water qualities of the Rainier. Sarah, however, played the contrarian, preferring the Rainier for the same reason we disliked it — because it had less going on. She also offered up a great explanation of the flavor difference, describing the Olympia as
"Not as dancy, more zingy." I guess Ellen and I like more zing.

Winner by majority decision: Olympia Beer


  1. Your compairing 95% malt olympia to regular rainer beer,standard olympia in the white can is a fairer competition. iam from washington state and this fight is fixed.It must be a don king production!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  2. Yo do know that these are brewed in the same damn SAB/miller factory in California, right?

  3. Rainier all the way
